Cookie Consent Pop Up - How to configure and trigger this?

Hi @dejan,
Any news on when this cookie notification pop-up native solution will be available for us to use?


I apologize to everyone, this feature has to be delayed, it was a bit more complicated than I thought and there are more important things as for now.

Iā€™ll get back to this as soon as possible

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Thanks for the response, understood.

Hey @dejan, Got any news on this?

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Hi Team, it has been almost 3 months since we touched base about this, I was wondering if there is any ETA now on the cookie consent functionality, thanks.

To be honest, I was researching some libraries, didnt like any of them. But I can tell you that we will need solution on our website which is going live this month, so I will need to create a solution, either I like it or not :smiley:


This would be a strong feature for users in EU.

Anyway gues you are crazy. Cookie consent is like completely different app/plugin and want to sees it in like a hours alive :smiley:

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Lol OK then looking forward to see it!

To all still in need of a ā€œfreeā€ GDPR-solution.
If you want a 100% GDPR-compliant solution, there is a free version of this that you can use:
It is free for up to 20k page views per month.

Iā€™m not affiliated or anything just a ā€œfreebieā€ solution for small-ish sitesā€¦

Simple to implement:

  1. Create an account.
  2. Set it up.
  3. Paste the provided script in ā€œCustom Code->Head Startā€ in Divhunt.

@Pakic I sure hope you are about to announce this new cookie pop up feature today :slight_smile:

@MixxMaster I gave up on a Divhunt cookie solution for now, so I thought to try your suggestion and I went and signed up for Cookie Script, but their cookie banner looked like a hot mess when I deployed it on my website, nothing like the one on their own site. The layout was all messed up, and if I am going to be paying for a cookie solution, itā€™s got be better than that.

Their support is AI-bot only, unless you pay, it was terrible. I would be willing to pay, but only if the free trial was any good.

So I personally would not recommend cookie-script for any divhunt users looking for a cookie solution. Just dropping that here so that other people donā€™t go through what I just did.

This is what we plan to use for Divhunt plugin, just we didnt do it yet, because Divhunt plugins currently dont have ability to store data globally across project, like for user to edit colors, texts, etc, something similar to Transform system, just globaly.
So this needs to be an application, and requires a bit of backend work unforunetelly to be made as it should, and our backend is insanely busy right now, so thats why there is delay. :confused:

If you want me, I can jump in your project and setup this with JS and explain you how to edit colors, text, etc.
I think they even have playground on their website, and then you just copy paste config

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Hi @Pakic, thats interesting, and thanks for the offer to help, however I do wonder about thisā€¦

It links to this discussion: Google's new requirements for serving ads in the EEA and UK Ā· orestbida/cookieconsent Ā· Discussion #523 Ā· GitHub

Basically what is going on is that Google is rolling out some requirements for people who run Google Ads that demand that a cookie pop up and consent system is implemented according to how they like it to be, basically in a way that conforms to various extreme bureacratic (IMO) laws. Laws that have been dreamed up by people who never worked a day in their life in a business that needs to be profitable, as oposed to some government bureacracy. In any case, it is what it is.

It is likely that other ad platforms will follow suit eventually.

Since I need a solution that will play well with Google, I am not sure that something based onCookieConsent would be that.

I am giving it a go with, they have a free plan with unlimited sessions (at the moment), but one domain per user, so you would need to fiddle with multiple email accounts and have one for each customer/domain if that is the route you want to go. Not ideal but workable. Their cookie po pup worked well for me out of the box, and with some CSS I have it looking good. And with some more work in GTM, I have it now working in a acceptable way for google on my own website, now I will roll it out on my Divhunt sites. The SPA does not make that easy, but it can be done. I already have many hundreds of hours in GTM though, it will be a large hill to climb for someone new.

There are a few more providers out there like Cookie Script that @MixxMaster mentioned, if it works for you. These mostly have some limitations, either functionality or sessions or whatever. Or you can pay from around $10 per month for a paid plan, I just donā€™t love the idea of paying extra monthly for such a basic part of a website such as a cookie pop up.

Hey, yes, I am aware of that Google requirements, but thats only for websites that are using ads, not GTM, GA4 and stuff like that.

If you are using AdSense, I am afraid that you need to use 3rd party solution for now that is partnered with google (CMP).

This is what Iā€™ve found as an explanation for the cookie consent I suggested:

As I am not so familiar with Google product names like adsense/ad manager/admob. I was first lead to understand first that CMP is required if I use Google Adā€™s but it seems this is not the case. It is only required if I run Google Adā€™s on the website/app. So, if I just have Google Analytics and Google Ads this cookieconsent is sufficient.

Thanks for that info, I also had understood that that using a CMP and/or conforming to Google Consent Mode v2 is required if I use Google Adā€™s, so I guess I was wrong about that :man_shrugging:

For those that want to use GTM with Google Consent Mode v2 I found this video that explains how to set that up with any cookie banner so if you are using a cookie banner that does not have a GTM template for that, you can follow this method.

Set up Consent Mode V2 with any cookiebanner in GTM

I now feel confident that it will be possible to configure the Divhunt cookie banner to work with Google Consent Mode v2 no matter what.

I am going with enzuzo for now and will give it a shot with the Divhunt plugin when that is ready. So I wonā€™t be bugging you guys anymore about this :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey everyone, any updates on the cookies consent pop-up?