A way to add 301 redirects on my website

As an web developer with many clients, I consider this feature to be essential. Clients consistently require redirect functionality. :smiley:
Most of my development background is coming from WordPress, and there is a simple plugin available allows you to easily add 301 redirects (and similar) to websites through a straightforward table interface. I’d love to see a similar solution implemented here.


Thanks for your suggestion! We agree that this feature is important. It’s already on our roadmap and will be available soon.


This feature is essential. I would also suggest.

Any news on this? This is a major need now that we’re migrating everything to divhunt.

Just curious if there’s movement on this? I’ve got an agency interested in moving A LOT of sites over, but the redirects are a non negotiable for them since doing it through DNS is awful.


There’s very good chance that we will have this feature next week. I’ll keep you updated.


Amazing news! This would be a total gamechanger!

You. All. Rock!
:rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

@dejan, any update on this? :slight_smile:

We’ve rebuilt our flagship website in Divhunt that’s over 500 pages and we’re just waiting on 301 redirects so we can relaunch without losing SEO advantage :rocket: :rocket:


Give me few more days, I’ll finish it soon.

Also 500 pages? Can you share link?


Amazing! I emailed you the links to that and a few others :slight_smile:

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