Bug(?) -webkit-backdrop-filter is missing

Hi Divhunt-Team

There might be a bug with backdrop-filter; for it to work in Safari, the prefix -webkit- is needed. I played around with this feature, and it didn’t work in Safari, because the prefix is missing.

Safari is new IE :joy: I will add webkit support for all properties that are required in Safari to work.

hopefully not… :scream:
but thanks in advance for fixing it. :slight_smile:


I just researched and found that backdrop-filter is the only property needing WebKit support in newer Safari versions. I’ve added this support, and it will go live tomorrow.

And if I find some more properties in future needing webkit support, now its 5 seconds to add them :slight_smile:

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Short question: Is it possible that the prefix for Safari was lost again in one of the recent updates? I’m experiencing this issue again.

Nope, it is still there.
When you apply backdrop filter, you can open custom css, and it will be there


Aahhh… I had to delete the property in the builder and just set it again, and then it did the trick.