CMS Field: Upload file source

This will streamline us the process of uploading the files like docs etc. to google drive or elsewhere

Hi @petrbilek

Would love to hear real use case for this one so I can better understand feature.

example: Dokumenty l MŠ Slezská (

User is adding the documents by them self via CMS.


If you were building this feature, how would you proceed?

To further understand what I was saying, let’s say you would add one more collection field type “Document”?

Is there anything else to it? How should work, does it only allowing you to upload PDF’s or you want some connection with Google Docs or similar?

I really like your idea of this, just want to fully understand issue before moving forward with implementation.

Simply to be able to Add “upload document” field. Where the user once create a new cms item can drag the source. Than I will catch the URL of uploaded source to be downloaded on the CMS item page opening.

Nothing else needed here.


I see, thanks for explaining, we will implement this in next couple of days :slight_smile:


Do you plan to add this? Not necessary like within a days, but in the closer future?


Totally forgot about this one :slight_smile: But it seems easy enough, will see what I can do so it happens fast.

No worries, just pining it up