I have CMS set up. Any pages that list the articles automatically scroll to that list. I never told the site to do that. Where is that set up? I want to turn that off. I looked at the settings I can find but can’t figure out what is controlling that. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
Just to be clear, you’re saying that any pages that contain references to the CMS you’ve created always auto-scroll to the section containing those references when the page loads?
Yes, that is correct.
I started the site with the Serene Smiles template. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it or not.
Any suggestions on what I can check? Thanks!
can you post the site here ?
There is probably a pagination plugin on this subpage.
I also have the same problem. I have asked several times to modify this plugin and without success. I have not even received any response.
The site is www.scottacock.com.
Yes, I do have the pagination plugin installed for the CMS.
Have you tried swiper plugin instead of pagination? You can put 3 or 9 element on one grid and make them as a swiper. I’m using it for gallery or customer opinions but will probably work for pagination.
Thank you for the suggestion.
That would work for a small number of posts, but when the list of articles increases, this becomes a less optimal solution. Given the choice between that and the page scrolling to the list, I would rather that the page scroll to the list. While the scrolling effect is not ideal, the workaround of using the swiper plugin instead of the pagination plugin is even less ideal.
Is there a solution to the pagination plugin issue (other than using a plugin that doesn’t really solve the problem)?
I have created a new topic with the same problem.
How good that someone else has the same problem and I am not alone…