Create customize hamburger menu for desktop screen

Hello Divhunt team

I want to create a hamburger menu on my website (desktop & wider screens).

The prebuilt elements available allows for it only on mobile screen.

The project I’m working on now, requires the hamburger menu on all screen sizes.

How can I fix that on my project?

You can try to add the humburger icon in HTML code

Yes, it’s a bit of a bummer because there’s no native interaction solution in Divhunt for now. This means you can’t create such animations that are triggered, at least not to my knowledge. It would be really interesting if that were possible. It will probably only work with custom JavaScript.
It’s relatively easy to integrate a custom JavaScript file that is active on all pages.

You can use hamburger menu plugin to trigger click interactions, then use designer tab + active state and with use of a designer tab and transitions you can create anything. When user clicks on a button that has “Hamburger Menu” applied on it, that button gets “active” class, which you can utilize on how you want button to look when menu is opened/closed

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