Divhunt Academy is live!

Hey everyone, we’re super excited to announce that Divhunt Academy is live!

Here, you can find everything you need to know about Divhunt and web design and development with easy, step-by-step lessons.

This is just the start, and we’ll be updating it constantly. We’d love to hear your feedback and what you’d like to see next. Dive into Divhunt Academy and help us shape the future of web development education! :rocket:


Fantastic job, rolling out like a hungry sharks :rofl:

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Looking awesome. Hopefully soon will be training for CMS

Firstly, this is fantastic, thank you. I know it’s a work in progress, but I’ll certainly be visiting it from time to time to make sure I’m up to date with the recommended way to do things!

Regarding your question about what I’d like to see next, would it be possible to create some tutorials on what animations are available within Divhunt. I’ve watched your GSAP video which was awesome, but even expanding on that with how to implement other animation protocols/plugins etc would double up as a great ad for the Divhunt builder.

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Hey @Marc, thank you! Regarding the animations, we have a few plugins for that and we’ll work on more in the future. Each plugin will have its own video tutorial and documentation on the Marketplace/plugin pages. Plugins will not be located on the Academy itself.

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