Error message: Failed to fetch. Fatal error

I bought four lifetime plans. I’m unable to activate the lifetime plan to a website.

It says to reach out for support. Is there a link or a page to contact support?

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I have same issue, I have sent a personal message to @Pakic couple days back but seems they are still looking into this! However when I checked yesterday I can now see the lifetime plan from a link left side to the site.

Also when I removed the lifetime plan earlier from a project to use for another one, it seems removed the whole project! Now the project looks permanently gone from my dashboard, for that I have requested if they can restore somehow!

We pushed new dashboard live day or two ago. Can you check here: if you are seeing your plans?

You can also login via our website to your account and you will be redirected to new dashboard.

Found it. I was able to add it.

Thanks Pakic!!! :grin:

@Pakic thanks for helping to restore my project earlier. I was also able to see lifetime sub and activate it on the project, however some URL paths of divhunt site needs to be fixed still. For example when I open builder and coming back to dashboard and select project again, like Divhunt - Divhunt, it shows no active sub for my project. Also shows error “Failed to fetch. Fatal error. Please check console for more information and reach out to support.” under active plans. I feel like these all started after latest changes to the divhunt site.

Not sure due to the same reason, I am unable to load my site too after pointing to latest right domain in dns.