External widget


i try to add in a page this type of embedded but is not work

<()script src=“https://spread.name/js/widget.js”>
<()div data-ss-widget data-id=“d5lcqmh”></div()>

i add () only for this text


You can’t embed a 3rd party script through embed code.
What you can do is to add first line of your code in custom code section (admin panel) of your website. For example in body end or start. And then second line can be in embed.

Btw, I don’t have an idea what you are trying to embed, but that script is abnormal, it is over 2MB in size, it will probably drastically decrease scores of your webiste


i try in this page

But is not work

project colonnelloxyz.divhunt.art

i try also with other external script but is not working

Hello, have you news for this? Thanks

I tried, but it doesnt work some reason, have you tried it in some other tool, such as custom code, wordpress or webflow? Where did you get that script, is that some 3rd party JS library or? I would like to read their documentation

this is documentation


Have you see this?


Could you help me please?

I am pretty sure this problem is not on our side, and I can’t troubleshoot it without any access, script doesn’t show any errors.

Have you done all steps on their side?