Group pages in folders in the builder?

I noticed in earlier screenshots of the builder that it looks like you used to be able to group pages into custom folders—e.g., main pages, CMS (collection, single), other (404, privacy, etc.). That would help a lot as the number of different pages grows.

Is that feature still available? Maybe I’m missing it, but I can’t seem to be able to create a folder like that.

There are no folders, you can simple drag pages inside other pages.

@dejan Could you please consider adding a page grouping feature (folders) for the Pages panel in the builder?

I can’t find the screenshot or video where I saw that in the Divhunt UI (heck, maybe I dreamt it? Saw it in another builder?). But I remember thinking that it was brilliant that you could group pages by type or use or whatever. It would make finding the right page much easier.

Maybe this could be a modification of the current “Create page” button? Here’s a rough mockup:

Also, what is the benefit of dragging pages inside other pages? Trying to understand the use case for that.

For example you can have main page “Marketplace” with route /marketplace

Then you can drag pages inside Marketplace, for example

  • Themes /themes
  • Applications /applications


So Themes and Applications pages are now subpages of Marketplace page.

So routes for subpages are now

  • Themes /marketplace/themes
  • Applications /marketplace/applications

In this way you can split your website like in multiple groups.


That makes sense. I didn’t realize Divhunt would automatically update the page routing like that. Something tells me the example you gave is front-of-mind right now :grinning:.

So the custom folder grouping feature I’m suggesting for pages (see mockup above) would be an organization feature only. A folder would essentially be an empty “parent” page with no page routing effects on “children.”

I would stick with this solution. Feels natural.