How do I duplicate a page?

Having a hard time with the builder and I keep losing changes.

CAn’t seem to figure out how to duplicate a page in order not to constantly lose my progress.

by losing changes, what do you mean, can you explain me in more details so we can investigate?
Sometimes this happens with unstable internet connection…

Heres a video on how you can duplicate a page:


Thanks foe the quick tutorial.

What happens is that:

  1. Sometimes the builder bugs out and I can’t select elements or anything and I have to refresh the page. So clicking does nothing and when the page is refreshed Ctrl-Z doesn’t work anything. Ending up with a messed up page that is more of a headache and needs fixing.

  2. Something else happened to me but maybe I made a mistake somewhere. I removed one of the colors in a gradient style effect in skme tect and now I can’t seem to be able to turn on gradient styles again.

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Hi David. Has Divhunt development addressed your issues? I’ve had similar problems since starting to use Divhunt on 11/12.

I’m surprise they don’t have a duplicate page function, which is a valuable and normal feature, especially for landing pages.

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Hi Tom,

We didn’t address this yet, we have many things that we are working on, and we work by priority, and since this can be done with a quick workaround, it’s not the higest priority, but it will happen very soon.
You can check on my video above how you can do this really quickly.

Hi Pakic,

Copying and pasting a page wrapper works very well in a project. I would like to copy a page in my first project and duplicate it my second project. I opened the 2 projects in separate tabs, copied the page wrapper in the first project, but the paste option does not appear in the second project. Can you fix that until your duplicate function is complete?


Hey Tom,

Copy/pasting between projects is not possible like that, for that case you can use JSON object.

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That is very quick and easy. Thanks!

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Hey Lisa,

the easiest way is to put all the elements to the Div and copy that Div to the new page.

Hello @Pakic ,
Is there a way to duplicate the projects or pages to a different site/project?

This has been discussed for more than a year now. It would be nice to have many people here with multiple websites.

Does copying as a JSON object not work for you, @runthetown? Right click on the wrapper on the left panel, choose JSON then paste that into your other project.