How to add custom domain to website?

Hi team.
Appreciate if you can give me tutorial or guidance that could help me to add my custom domain.
I kind of lost in here and confused about it.

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thanks i really appreciate it


I have followed your instruction and it went work for a while.
and then suddenly i can’t access it.

and here is my DNS settings


the CNAME record should only contain the www value.

Hi Dejan,

I have change the cname as requested but the result still the same.
I can’t still access the website


You’ll have to contact support at domain provider, seems like you’ve added redirect somehow or something to staging domain?

In the meantime if you want to access builder, it’s still possible if you use the “Open Builder” button at bottom where it says “Open builder with default domain provided by Divhunt”

Hi Dejan, I already contact with domain provider. They said there is no issue at their end. everything is okay and the forwarding dns already disconnected. Appreciate if you can check it to your end once again. maybe is there any other dns adjustment should be done at my end?


I apologise, seems like it was the conflict because wrongly configured CNAME first time, then our system didn’t update the change, so I had to do it manually.

So this was issue on our end. Everything is fine now?

Yes it is. Thanks Dejan. I really appreciate it.

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Please help going live this thing please


I’ve replied inside your thread.