Is it possible to schedule elements

Hi, I’d like to know if it is possible to schedule elements in anyway shape or form. I haven’t seen this feature, but that don’t mean I haven’t over looked it. For example have a blog image scheduled to show up on a specific day to link to my blog post, rather than having to edit it the day of.

Hi @Glenn

Currently there’s no feature for this, but automations/workflows system is coming next month and something like this will be possible.


Hey Dejan, thanks for the reply. I look forward to that, it will make my blog post much easier YAY! I’m loving the system. While I have you and I don’t mean to dwell into other topics, but could I ask you a few unrelated questions, please :wink:

  1. Will the import feature, and user rights creation feature you have mentioned before also be going out next month?

  2. Is there any reason that this embed works on non-divhunt sites, but doesn’t work with divhunt? I’ve tried using the embed element, as well as in extra website code, and neither seems to work. I would be ecstatic if you have a fix :frowning:

  window.PAGE_NUDGE_CONFIG = {
    "id": "58e36ed8-6155-43bb-b09f-5852e3ae4f1a",
<script src="" defer></script>