Is there a link tutorial for using Font Awesome Icons plugin

Hi… Just down loaded the awesome icons plugin and can’t seem to work out where to get the icons from to change them ? Can you possibly send me a link :slight_smile: Many thanks


Here it is.

And as well if you are looking for more random tutorials that are not on youtube, you can find some of them here:

Awesome :)))) Thanks a million

Hi… Trtying to rectify hamberger menu problem and now some how blend 2 sections as per photo… Please can someone get back with help on rectifying problem and also how to unblend the 2 sections. Many thanks :+1: :smile:

apologies for rushed text :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry!!.. Just realised that I replied to the wrong post. Apologies I was referring to my post that states having trouble with Hamburger menu for as Navbar not working properly and need some advice to rectify. Hope you can help as its all back to front and not working properly…Thanks