Language switch on the footer

hello i have been trying to activate the 3 languages website option on a dropdown menu on the header or a button that switches from English, Spanish or Russian on mobile and web format but have tried all recommendations and is not working.

I already have the translated website in English and Spanish when i try to activate i keep getting a bug.

Is there any other way to make it visible so a customer can select the language?

Language option not showing up…

thank you

Hi Samuel,

You could use an accordion and name it something like “CHANGE LANGUAGE” and then inside of it have 3 link buttons named “:us:ENGLISH” “:es:SPANISH” “:ru:RUSSIAN”.

Then inside of the links you put your pages “”, “”, “

And make sure you also use those slugs on the links in translated version of the pages, so they stay in the same language :slight_smile:

Thank for the Instructions, do i need to add to the main navigation bar in components? cause it does not give me that option when i select it…

It keeps giving me a error, not sure if it’s a bug…

accordion option has bug, i tried adding and i keep getting that message…

Any updates on this???