Link Buttons Not Editable | Can't Upload Gifs

Hi team, just wanted to show some issue that I ran into in the builder, things that I think might be bugs.

One is that sometimes I cannot see the ‘link’ settings on link buttons, there is a text ‘null’ where the link settings should be.

Another thing is that I am unable to upload gifs. When I attempt to upload a gif, it says’ Uploaded’ but the gif never appears in the media library.

Please view video:

Link Buttons and Gif Issue Screen Recording

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We just fixed that bug with phone number link, now it should be working correctly. Thanks for reporting this bug.

Just, currently you can’t use loop for different types of links, since in this example you have phone and email, you will need to duplicate links instead of using loop.

And for the gifs, we don’t have a support currently, it will come in near future.

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Gotcha, thanks for the response.