Live Preview Bug? Please Help

I don’t know what the heck is going on but all of a sudden nothing is working. I’m new and still learning so I’ve spent hours trying to put together a basic page and when i check it its all screwed up. I’ve never had this problem in Divhunt before so I just assumed it was me doing something wrong.

So, then i’d delete everything and start all over. But the same exact thing happens. Everything looks fine in the editor but when i check the live preview its nothing at all like whats shown in the editor. I don’t get it. I’ve literally wasted the past couple days thinking its me but I don’t think it is anymore. It seems like anything i build now is all screwed up no matter what.

It’s extremely frustrating. I’d really appreciate some help. Thanks a lot.

Heres the test page:

I assume that nothing is visible from the link, because the project needs to be published. There is a Preview button, it shows the project without publication, but only to those who are logged in to the project.

right, the site isn’t published. Like i explained, I’m newer to Divhunt and still learning. The page isn’t supposed to be published.

I left the link because i was hoping the devs can look into it asap and let me know whats going on.

I mean this is the page in the editor>

And then this is the live preview that i see>

It just makes literally no sense. And this isn’t the first time its happened. It started happening two days ago. At first I thought it was me so i’d start all over. I’ve wasted so much time the past couple days on this. It’s been so frustrating.
Heres another one>

And another one>

I’m really hoping someone can help.

this is really strange, I think the guys from DivHunt will help you figure it out

Also try opening the preview not by clicking on the preview button, but by clicking on the page URL.

I’m just trying to guess the reason)

anyone available to help?


problem was that your global body color was set to “Secondary” which doesn’t exist in your predefined colors, but in builder, it showed default to be white, because it has backup from divhunt builder, while when you visit a live website, you don’t get divhunt defaults.

I have set your body default color to be white.

huh?.. it couldn’t have been from that. All the colors were changed today because I was trying to figure out how to use variables. And this was posted yesterday and has been happening for two days.

But even if that were the case, how would it completely screw up the layout and everything. I mean it’s completely different.

When i visited a website, I didn’t see anything like on screenshots you sent, only bug I noticed is that font color was black, and since background is black, text wasn’t visible… So i just changed body color… I am not sure how you fixed the rest, but I didnt :smiley:

thats really weird man. But I’ll take it. lol

Thanks for checking.

Actually. It’s still screwing up. But its different things now.
Divhunt - Writing Your Own Story - https___writing-your-own-story.divhunt.us_builder 07 2024 (9)
Divhunt - Writing Your Own Story - https___writing-your-own-story.divhunt.us_builder 07 2024 (11)

Divhunt - Writing Your Own Story - https___writing-your-own-story.divhunt.us_builder 07 2024 (13)
Divhunt - Writing Your Own Story - https___writing-your-own-story.divhunt.us_builder 07 2024 (12)


Ahh. you have conflicts, you are using name of the class same as divhunt uses for tag classes… We need to prevent this I guess. I didn’t expect anyone doing this haha

Your classes can’t be named ‘t53’ , ‘t123’ etc… Problem is now that you can’t rename them, so only solution is to create new class such as ‘t_53’ and then copy styles from class ‘t53’ to that new class.

You can use custom CSS popup to quickly copy styles from one class to another

And for that button, I can give you JSON code from our website :smiley:

Yea, my way of learning divhunt was by trying to recreate sections of the divhunt website. HAHA. I’ve done a few sections so far! But some of them have a lot to them and I’ve really struggled with it.

I hope you don’t mind! I’m just trying to learn.

But the gold button doesn’t have any tags. It’s just a link with CSS.

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