Lost style on the live website

Hi I’m having some issues with one website that I’m creating for a client, the live preview is not matching the builder, some parts have different fonts and others are messy, can you help me with that?

Here is the link: https://positive-reinforcement-training.divhunt.art/

Hello, it’s fixed now

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Thank you, that one is fixed, we are having an issue with this new one now: https://dog-training-template.divhunt.art/

showing this:


Have you duplicated your project? Just trying to figure out how this happened.

@dejan Yes, I did duplicate this one ( this was the original )


I’ve fixed problem on your website, the issue is with page/child relationships of pages when duplicating the project, if you have nested pages, it will break the website. However the actual problem will be fixed in few days.

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@dejan Got it, Thank you!