What is the likely timescale for the Native Memberships module? Just planning my roadmap for future websites. Also, will this include User management (Login/Profile/Delete)?
I apologize for late reply. Early next year
Any update on native memberships?
Yes please, eagerly waiting
We are working on this, we already have login/register system ready, we need to finish the UI for managing the users and payment in order to release it.
It will be very solid membership, a lot of possibilities, connection with CMS so anything will be possible. Worth the wait.
Thank you for the update Dejan. So excited
Hi Dejan - Happy to hear that.
Do you have any limits for existing Growth & Professional lifetime members.
What is the capabilities for each of these members on native membership?
Thank you
@michelle You’re welcome.
@divhunter Membership will be included in both growth and professional plan with limits according to your plan. There won’t be any additional payment required (unless you go crazy with limits, but in that case we assume you can send some extra bucks so we can buy some sandwiches )
Thank you, looking forward to it
What happened to this? I see that this is from a year ago.
Is this being released?
Hey, building a product as a small team is quite a journey!
It’s not released yet, but it will be as soon as time and the product allow us. We need to follow certain paths when releasing features, and we are often forced to do so.
We’ve had to change focus many times during this period, so we haven’t been able to fully complete the Memberships feature yet, unfortunately.
It’s first on our list of future major updates, right after we publish some necessary updates to the builder and CMS.
Keep up the good work. Love divhunt and its features!
Any Updates aboute this feature? It is possible to test it in beta?
I second that. Any updates on this feature. Bought it in may and waiting patiently for a solution.