Navbar links updates to have "/blog" appended when navigating to Blog page

My current navbar links are with “” format where clicking them scrolls to respective section in the homepage. I’ve used the Settings > Anchor for doing that scroll.

Later, I followed and added CMS for blog pages and set the main “Blog” page to show up with “/blog” appended to home URL - in short like this “”.

But when I am in the Blog page (that shows all blogs), the navbar links gets changed to “”. I want it to be retained as “”. How do I do that?

(I guess its taking the new “/blog” as the main URL and then updating all the navbar links. I’ve used anchors in Settings as I mentioned earlier but can’t find a way to retain these to “”)


Anchor links work only on the same page. Currently it is not possible natively to link to an anchor which is on another page.

But on this thread, you can find some javascript solution that our customer managed to make it work. So you can try that.

So I changed the Navbar links to anchor with href as “/#id” Eg: “/#aboutus”. Now the links for the Navbar are showing proper. But when I click the link, the page reloads completely again and then it scrolls to the section. I understand this may happen when I am in Blog page and click the link because it will have to go to homepage and then scroll to ID. BUT This happens even when I try the links directly from Homepage - the page reloads and then it scrolls to the section instead of a direct scroll.

Would it be possible to take a look at my divhunt and offer what change would help here? Have been struggling and trying out all sort of things for my website.

@Pakic Any thoughts on this?