Navbar not showing changes in live view

Hi I am using a component navbar 8 which I am trying to modify however as you can see what is in the builder does not appear on the test site nor the live publish site. I cannot even make the navbar fixed and cannot apply display none to a tag in the loop which I do not wish to be visible. the picture/logo does not even show up in the live or published site.
Already sent 2 emails but no answer, Really need help with this issue so I can build the website I want, so please help

Hey, can you provide your website URL please


FYI, I put more info on the email I sent to stefan@divhunt

Hey, the problem is that you attached the interaction directly to the navbar. To make this work, you need to set the interaction globally (when no element is selected, press ESC to unselect everything) and then target the navbar.

The best approach would be to assign a class to the navbar and then target that class, as you’ll need this same interaction to trigger on every page of the website.

A tutorial about this (the advanced targeting in the interactions) will be released soon as well.

If you still have trouble creating this, let me know and we can do it for you on your project.

Hi thanks for getting back to me. Please remove it for me as I do not recall adding interaction. I thought all I change was the data with my own and made the navbar fixed which did not work. So please proceed and I review the new tutorial when it comes out.

No, you haven’t added this yet. I just showed you the correct setup you should use in your project to make it work. :slight_smile:

I am really confused as I only used your template navbar 8 so do you mean your template is not working properly as I used it as it was. I only made it fully visible/open so I can make the changes I need to it however this does not explain why my changes on the builder do not show on the live or test site. Interaction or no interaction the changes should still show in the test website. Please help

Hi still no answer. It has been now more then two weeks including unanswered emails and still not the appropriate solution. When can I expect an answer?