No form / drop down box option on right hand side after creating Contact form

Hi I have created a contact page and updated but when I go back into builder and in to form container or wrapper on the right hand side there is no option to pick contact form ? Please advise

Here’s what happened wrong with you website:

And here’s additional tutorial that might help you:

Thats great…Perfect explanation!! Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

I am not sure what I’ve done wrong but after following all the instructions when I submit a form live it doesn’t work ? I am not sure if it because I have a textara and a imput wrapper over the top? as in screen shots

Just realised it’s not that… so not sure what I’ve done wrong

In the contact forms of the forms section i have unticked the yes box and it now works ? Thats great, but going forward I would like that field set at yes if possible. Thanks

Even though name unticked the front end still asks for name so all working fine and I’m happy . So no need to reply:) many thanks

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