Outseta Plugin integration

Outseta offers an all-in-one membership software for SaaS or Membership Businesses to grow without needing to code. Recently, they launched a Webflow plugin that seamlessly connects their software with the website builder. This integration allows users to easily access features like payments, authentication, protected content, and member data directly in the Webflow designer. It also enables seamless integration with Webflow forms for efficient management of CRM, email automations, and support tickets.

If Divhunt integrates a similar plugin for Outseta, we can benefit from a more straightforward approach to add memberships to our websites. This integration could serve as a valuable interim solution for Divhunt users who are interested in incorporating membership and subscription services, especially as Divhunt works on its own native e-commerce features.

Outseta’s all-in-one solution is definitely one of the best in the market, so a plugin would be great to see.

Outseta Website: https://www.outseta.com/
Outseta Product Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73zn0ihvUxk
Outseta Webflow App: Meet Outseta's New Webflow App | Outseta


Thanks for suggestion, we do have plans to create our own memberships first, but we will also start creating integrations, such as this one and memberstack.


First off, huge kudos to Outseta for rolling out that Webflow plugin—it sounds like a game-changer for streamlining website membership setups. As someone who’s not exactly a coding whiz, the idea of a plugin that seamlessly integrates memberships with Webflow is like music to my ears. Divhunt, take note! This could be a real sweet spot for users like us who want to dip our toes into the world of memberships without diving headfirst into complex coding or waiting for native e-commerce features. And let’s talk about Outseta’s sugar enterprise! Their all-in-one solution seems like a real winner in the membership software arena. Having a plugin to marry that functionality with Webflow? It’s like pairing peanut butter with jelly—just makes sense!

Nice words! :slight_smile:

I just looked into the explanatory video from the Outseta owner. Outsetta doesn’t seem to allow for deep integration into a website or product. It’s more of an extension on top of a website. There is no function to hide parts of a website based on the membership plan you own, nor does it offer advanced features like UGC (User Generated Content).
Or am I missing something?