Please Help! I can't undo style changes

Please help I can’t undo design changes in my project.

Whenever I press CTRL+Z or the undo button it just undo the adding of any element or other actions but not the design or style changes I did to the tag.
This is so annoying because I don’t always remember which style I changed and I have to do the entire styling all over again!!

Am I doing something wrong or is there a setting for this, or maybe it’s just a bug, I don’t know

Post example image/video what do you mean exactly.

We do have some issues with undo. Don’t work like you depend on it is my honest advice until we get some time to work on it :smiley:

Yes no worries, I was working on a personal project btw so not that much of an issue.
Also I tried switching to different browsers.

On firefox I was able to undo the design changes also (I mean undo was working normally) but the UI changes on the right panel didn’t reset back. For example: if I add 20px padding to a button and then hit undo, the action happens, meaning the button padding is reset back to what it was before but the in the right panel it still says 20px padding, and when I deselect the button an select any other element and then select back the button, then is when I see the changes in the right panel also.

Then on some chromium browsers sometimes undo simply didn’t work for the design changes but worked for adding or moving elements.

I hope maybe this will help you to troubleshoot the bugs. Thanks btw :+1: