Popup Tutorial | Divhunt Plugin

Hi everyone,

Good news! We’ve just released a tutorial for a really useful popup plugin that almost every website could benefit from. This plugin has many use cases. Take a look at our video to see how it works, and let us know what you think! If you have any thoughts or ideas for improvement, please leave a comment below. Thanks! :slight_smile:


Nice tutorial, thanks for that.

One thing I am wondering is how to trigger a cookie consent pop up. That pop up has no button to trigger it, it just loads on page load. Can you explain how to set that up? I did not see that mentioned in the video, all the pop up triggering seems to be happening via some element on the page.

I also would love to know how to configure the actual functionality so that the tracking scripts etc. only load once the pop up has been accepted.

In my case I load all the scripts using Google Tag Manager. The Google Tag Manager Script is loaded in two places, in the Settings > Custom Code > Head Start and also a noscript version in the Body End.

If you prefer that I make a seperate post with these questions rather than add it here to the announcement, let me know and I will do that.


@Pakic I’ve got the Trigger+popu (setting TAG in transform) all setup into an iterator :

Only the first image is working:

For the second one I’ve got :

@Pakic : site is temlab.divhunt.art page is ProduitDetail and structure is below (“ImagesOnglet” is where the “image” is defined as the Popup trigger and sibling “ImagePopup” the TAG defined in the Popup configuration).
Note: the iterator “ongletImages” is a sub-iterator of “onglets”

For the record: there was an issue with the Popup plugin which is now fixed.
All is now working as expected.