The popup opened like that only because I have set it for “inherit width”
The problem with the inherited width is that there is a problem with exiting the popup from the sides as it should be.
If I set the Inherit width to no, it brings a narrow menu I don’t want to have If I use a computer.
All I need is the wide menu, which can be easily disappeared when pressing the background at the sides.
Is it possible to add a closing button on the popup menu as well?
The component popup I have configured is wide as it should so why doesn’t it open with the right dimensions that in my case look like a smartphone menu?
Why can I exit the popup from the sides only when it is not set to “Inherit Width”?
when you open a popup, iframe loading time is being delayed, because its an iframe. And our popup calculates width & height before iframe is loaded, so it makes it broken.
I did one trick where I have put wrapper div to be always atleast 100vw width, and height 600px. So hopefully this fixes your issue.
Also I’ve added custom close button. For close button, all you need is to set attribute to be ‘modal-close’ = ‘true’