Problem builder on safari

You have some problems with Safari in builder.
Nothing appaear on the side (panel)

Please share Safari version, os and such data.

Capture d’écran 2023-11-04 à 15.12.43


Fixed, either wait till tonight for an automatic update, or simple reinstall any plugin and it should work for you.

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thanks for your reactivity @dejan

Hi @dejan

I recently switched from Chrome to Safari on Mac M1. I am not able to open the builder in Safari. When I click on “open builder” Button, it’s stuck on the “Authenticating, please wait” popup and doesn’t open the tab for builder. Works fine in Chrome. Here is the screenshot:

Please look into this.

Hi, I’m having the same problem getting stuck on loading authentication using Safari.

@kulbir5 @Webby

We’ve fixed this issue, the problem is that Safari is blocking opening new tabs, so now we are detecting if the new tab was blocked, and then redirecting you to the same tab.

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