Remove the YouTube Branding and Titles from videos

Hi Stefan

I want to use a YouTube embed instead of playing it from Divhunt storage.

Is that a better solution if I want to make the page load faster?

I don’t want to have anything from YouTube shown when hovering on the video.

In your youtube tutorial, you don’t talk about that and that is very important.

How can I hide everything from the video?

The loop feature takes at least 1 second until it starts again.

Is there a way to loop without the break?

There is no way to achieve that through youtube plugin which us using only iframe.
It’s not that we didnt create a solution, actually its not possible to hide all the branding.

There might be a possible solution if you use youtube API, but I’ve never used that, so I dont know.
Only solution if you dont want to see branding is to upload videos directly on DH, not going through youtube or vimeo, or any other 3rd party service.

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Can you give me website url?

Sorry, it needed some permissions to embed links.

Now it works.

Is that supposed to load faster or it doesn’t matter where the video is hosted?

I am not sure, but there might be a possibility that youtube and vimeo have some video optimizations that regular video doesn’t have, including loading times, etc. But I can’t confirm that without any research.

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Here is one service who does this
. They have an ongoing deal also on Appsumo.