Reproduce dropdown menu (navbar)

I would like to reproduce the dropdown menu in my navbar
How can i do that ?
P.S : This screenshot it’s i want to have on my navbar, without take this elements i would like to customize mine navbar
Capture d’écran 2023-08-27 à 21.36.04

Hi @Mehdi18

There’s popup plugin meant for things like this. You can install it, but i would strongly suggest if you could wait till tomorrow, we will record video tutorial of how it works, but it’s pretty simple :slight_smile:


Ok i wait
Please don’t forget me

I’m still blocked
Reminder please i need it
Please :pray:t2:

Hey, this is on me. We had some improvements to be made on popup plugin so we can support this fully, we are adjusting it now, and I will create you tutorial today for sure, latest 5pm CET!

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Heres a quick video tutorial. Sorry for being late


Thanks @Pakic
I succeeded

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