SEO for DIVHUNT problem (SiteGuru app)

Hello! I almost finished basics of my site and right now working on optimization. Bought SiteGuru on AppSumo and did some improvement already(going from 55% seo health to 82% seo health).

  1. Have some problem about favicon because mine is in place on Divhunt but is not seen by siteguru? Am I doing something wrong?

  1. And second question, How to add structural data for website?

  2. How to deal with slashes in Divhunt ? Where should I put code in Divhunt to get rid of this problem?

4.I already put robot.txt in my site but its not recognized by siteguru (should I be worring about this?) What may be causing the problem?

Thx for help and want to give a big hug for awsome divhunt app!

ANYONE can give me any advice ?