Site Add/Removal from Purchase Plan

There is no way to disable a plan and the only way to remove it is via this

The temporary website " " are also removed with together with all the design and content. There should be a way for us to “unassign active plans” not deleting all the contents of a website.


Once plan (subscription) is activated on project, it can’t be downgraded or removed, unless entire project is removed.

If you wish to return your website, let me know I can restore a backup for you.

A feature to assign premium plan without need to delete website would be nice



Will be in future for sure.

Hey there! Is it possible now to remove the Paid plan without destroying the entire site? :slight_smile:


Not possible at the moment, also we won’t be doing this since new subscription model is in development currently, so no point of wasting time :smiley: With new model it will be possible.

Gotcha! Makes sense, yeah.

Do we know when the new pricing model will be unveiled? Are we months away? Weeks? Days? :slight_smile:

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Weeks away :slight_smile: This month (latest 1st April)

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