Site and Builder Not Loading - SSL Error reported

Hello DH Team!

It seems my website is down and showing an SSL error. The Builder shows an error as well.

I tried different devices both over WiFi and Mobile data network - same result. Could it be due to the most recent maintenance performed? Based on the announcement, it was not supposed to affect published sites.

Please advise.


Hi Studio350,

We apologize for the recent interruption caused by our maintenance activities. We did not anticipate the SSL issue that occurred during the update, and I understand the inconvenience it may have caused you.

This update was a really big one, aimed at improving the overall performance and stability of Divhunt. And now with new server infrastructure, this kind of maintenace will not happen anytime soon.

Again, sorry for inconvenience, your website, including builder, cms and everything should be working fine now.

Thanks for understanding

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Hey @Pakic!

I completely understand! Thankfully nothing critical was going on on my site at the moment - still in the build phase :slight_smile:.

Thank you and the rest of the team for your relentless efforts to make this platform a leader in the space! You are doing fantastic work and building an amazing platform!

I can’t wait to see you blow away the competition … and be able to claim that I was here from the start :smiley: !



This update was huge step forward :smiley:

Divhunt now has infrastructure to support millions of websites without loosing any of the speed, which is huge.

Now we can seamlessly add more locations and regions, and introduce single region options too for GDPR, which is more suitable for local business.

The uptime time of your website is also increased, as now we also have a fall-back read-only options to get back websites online in a minute if something happens.

:smiley: I am excited!!!