Site finally live - 301 redirects needed

Thanx to all of the Divhunt team for this awesome tool :pray:t3:
I’m finally live with our auction site:

I am just waiting, eagerly, for 301 redirects to come live - we need it badly @dejan :wink:

Being able to use a no-code solution together with REST and an already great Collection solution built-in (cannot wait for version 2 :crossed_fingers:t3:) had me getting to the finish line by 90%. The rest could be hacked with some custom JS code here and there - this is awesome!!

And this community is also super great and helpful.


Looking nice, congratz!

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2-3 more days :smiley:


@MixxMaster site looks fantastic dude

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I apologize to all people who were waiting for redirect rules, I am at final stage and releasing feature tomorrow morning/mid-day.

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This feature is out now.

From your project settings under general tab, you can find 301 redirect rules configuration.

Regex is allowed. Currently it’s in beta.