Site is live - Record Label and MCN Management - Ninetone Group

I just wanted to share our new site we launched a couple of days ago and the extreme measures the Divhunt Team takes to to help out on “unsupported” solutions (and maybe stupid users…).

We had to work with REST API from a Filemaker DB which was intense to get running. Still, we managed to get everything, about 95% dynamic content, running in Divhunt. The customer can now update Artists, Clients, and News inside their Filemaker DB system and have it live instant on the site (well almost…)…

We had some serious issues with the huge payloads we got from the API…
@dejan (named The King by our client) saw the issues with the speed so one night he just fixed caching for REST and the site now runs supafast. It wouldn’t have been possible without the caching functions added: “on the fly”.

What we’ve done on this site wouldn’t even have been possible on most (all?) other, so-called, no-code solutions. We’d have to go to some VueJS or React route for it to have the same functionality and that would’ve cost a fortune just to develop and months to launch (we did it in 9 days :man_shrugging:t2:)

I love Divhunt and the limitless solutions they offer. And I think (know :upside_down_face:) we have just seen the very start of it all.

//Peace out, fellow Divhunters :muscle:t3:

BTW, it scores extremely well in Lighthouse tests - even though I don’t give much thought about Lighthouse scores, but it’s always nice to see 4 green rings :slight_smile:


Thank you for this wonderful post, It’s such an honor to find out that Divhunt saved both time and money.

Also thank you and your client for trusting Divhunt :smiley: That’s something which will take a lot of time to earn from customers but it’s going well.

And I wouldn’t be me if I don’t say - What it’s currently possible, it’s just a tip of the iceberg.

So please keep using Divhunt, spread the word, be patient and understanding, we are still small team learning from mistakes, but eventually, oh boy :smiley: market won’t be ready for what’s coming :smiley:

PS, speed will improve, due to some conflicts we are down to single location US Ashburn, but will be fixed. But also keep in mind we don’t cache your website (in a full-cache way) like other no-code builders do, so from my point of view, speed is pretty impressive for non-cached website, but it’s going to be much faster.

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Whoa, this is incredible as a demonstration of what Divhunt can do at scale!

Note: your footer page links don’t work on some of the pages? Actually, pretty much anywhere with the blue footer – the red one on the very first page seems to work, but not the blue!

Also, I would recommend using the “Count Up” plugin for the number blocks on this page :slight_smile: Get in Touch with Ninetone Management: Your Partner for Success in Entertainment & Sports

Thanx, nice catch, I fixed the footer earlier but I assume I didn’t publish. Re count up, we will fix that but we use data from REST to count Artists and Clients “live” via a variable so I haven’t gotten to try it yet…