Tutorial: How to remove a box from new Google Maps embeds

Continuing the discussion from Google Maps Embed - Remove Place Card and buttons:

Video Tutorial:


Solution explained:

How to remove a box from new Google Maps embeds?

  1. search your address in Google Maps
  2. right click on the red pin, left click on the coordinates to copy them
  3. paste the coordinates in the search bar
  4. click on the share button
  5. Choose “Embed a map” and copy HTML to a notepad
  6. copy this part to the same notepad:

7. In the notepad search "1d" and copy the number from your link until the ! sign and paste/replace it in the new part.
8.  In the notepad search "2d" and copy the number from your link until the ! sign and paste/replace it in the new part.
9.  In the notepad search "3d" and copy the number from your link until the ! sign and paste/replace it in the new part.
10.  In the notepad search "2z" and copy the number from your link until the !1sen and paste/replace it in the new part.

Now you can copy the edited part into your embedded map link on your website.