URGENT: TEMLab.fr (temlab.divhunt.art) BROKEN

Images & logo are not showing anymore.
Can you help fixing this?


Seems like server got timeout from Strapi and then saved it invalid response. I’ve fixed that, also fixed the problem that if get’s invalid response to not save it, instead just ignore.

So this should never happen again.

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Thanks a lot for your reactivity!


I would suggest adding the cache for “strapisocieteresult” as it will speed your website drastically. Like 1-6 hours cache.

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I’ve noticed that this form doesn’t work.

Is it because of wrongly configured google recaptcha or some error on our side?

Hi @dejan : I want to remove the captcha to test but can’t find how to uninstall the captcha plugin


Sorry the plugin system got changed, we separated the 3rd party one with official. I’ll fix that as soon as possible.

While I have you here, please update DNS to our new IP:


Sorry the plugin system got changed, we separated the 3rd party one with official. I’ll fix that as soon as possible.

While I have you here, please update DNS to our new IP: