I can’t agree on this. With Divhunt, most of the websites can fit in either free or growth plan, since you can use CMS, and theres no features locked. While on Webflow, if you need even a simple CMS for team members for example, you need to go with $29 a month plan, which is 21$ higher than our growth.
In terms of collaborations, we will work on some ideas.
In terms of price raises, we can’t predict the industry, we as well have our costs, and our prices are designed based on our costs, such as Hosting, CDN, Cloud, Email API’s etc.
What I can tell you know is that we will try to keep it as affordable as possible, but we need to make some profit in the end as well, otherwise theres no sense 
So yes, if for example google cloud, hetzner or whole industry double their prices in next 2-3 years, we would need to increase as well. But thats highly unlikely, since we have been using these services for many years now, and prices increased only a bit.
Completely honest: we will reduce our free plan in very near future (only for new projects), and when we do, we will release a post where we explain a decision making for that and more. We will not touch any of other plans in terms of limits and prices.
And to add: we do have a system for organizations, and adding members to be part of your team. Just we never created UI for that. In future we will introduce this, and your team will have access to all of your projects, no matter of project plan.