Website scrolling doesn't reach to the end


On live view or after publishing the website, it doesn’t scroll to the end of the page.
It only works with the arrow down button

Hey, issue is in Lenis smooth scroll. I guess Lenis is not that smart to detect lazy-load images on it’s own. Working on a fix, will update you when done. Thanks for reporting this bug

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Hey, this should be fixed now, please test and let me know :slight_smile:

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It didn’t work for me, Stefan

I have reinstalled the lenis plugin and published the page.

It’s stuck before the end

I can only scroll down by clicking and dragging down on the scroll bar

I have removed Lenis for now until you fix it.

Will also like to have the plugin versions shown under the plugins so we can know if there will be a new version of the plugin or a fix.

Best Regards,