Www to non www redirects

I want to redirect from www to non www version of my custom domain. How can I do that in divhunt?


Currently we don’t have redirect manager, but it’s the important feature. We will be adding it very soon. Thanks for patience.

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I hope you guys will bring this feature ASAP because right now I have two versions of my website one with www and the second without www which will create duplicate content issues.
Happy to see the improvements.

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You can do it with a small JS script BUT it won’t address the 301 issue and duplicate versions to the Googlebot. You might also get some minor speed issues using a script but it could be a solution until we have a native serverside 301 redirect available. This is also a “hack” if you have issues with one or the other version of your site.

I second the importance of Divhunt supporting this for both SEO reasons and speed.

It is not recommended as a first choice, but google does recognize JS redirects.

Chat GTP code…

if (window.location.hostname.startsWith("www.")) {
      let url = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname.slice(4) + window.location.pathname;
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Yes, I know JS redirection is not recommended. Okay, I applied the js redirection code that you sent and it is working for now. I will change it when you introduce redirection functionality.
Thanks for the quick responses and updates.

@Tariq @MixxMaster

This feature is live now, you can manage wether you want www, non-www or both options at Divhunt dashboard.


Only works with custom domains.


hey Dejan

In the new dashboard, this feature doesn’t seem to be working correctly. It doesn’t save the setting. Is that possible? I launched a new website today, and for SEO, it is very important that this is already set correctly.

→ And I also believe it affects how the sitemap.xml is generated, correct?

On my new site, the sitemap is now being generated without ‘www.’, even though I want the URL to always be ‘www.domainname.com’, so with ‘www.’.