Is it possible to recover a version in divhunt?

I just deleted a component and can’t bring it back by undoing.

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Hey @oscarlima we are experiencing certain issues with undo function, we will fix that as soon as possible. Thank you for reporting a bug.

I advise to duplicate your project with every major change and save it as a backup since UNDO only lasts during the current session.

I’ve noticed this too – sometimes Undo doesn’t bring back the element, or it brings it back blank, or brings it back somewhere other than where it was before.

@rneary @thefallenone

If you remove something accidental, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll extract it from backup database for you, until we implement the UI for backups.


hi how do i go to the previous backup?

Hi Dejan,

I accidently removed my footer, any chance you can bring it back from one of your backups? Thank you.


If you add the ?backup=1 in URL, you can see the previous backups, but this is not feature yet for production, yes, you can use it, but be very careful.

The number 1 is the offset of latest backup, so 1 means the latest backup, the 2 is the second latest, etc.

So enter the backup more, and then just copy the tags as object (JSON) and leave the backup preview, then paste it into your real website.

Do not remove/modify/add/remove anything when viewing the backup.

If you are not sure how, let me know your domain and I can do it for you.


Beautiful! It works like a charm!!! I ended up going for backup=5.

Thank you, Dejan! Great work and fast reply :heart_eyes::trophy::peace_symbol::mushroom::four_leaf_clover::chart_with_upwards_trend::brain:

Great news!!

How many backups do you store in your database?

So for each publish it’s a backup right?

Is it a full backup each time or only the updates?

Do your backups have limitations in size?


Yes, publish = backup.

For now, there’s no limit of backups, we store them all, in future we might limit to last few hundren or so, we will see.

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Hi @dejan

I think I broke my website by publishing a backup.

I managed to fix it as much as possible. I think global CSS needs resetting or something. Please advise thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @ZenflueX

I’ve fixed an issue for you. There was a bug with linear gradient on one of your elements. We are working on restyling and re-coding builder, so this will not happen anymore in future when we release new version, most probably this happened because you wrote custom CSS and our builder had conflict with it.

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Very nice video brother!

What is the video player that you are using?

Is that from the Divhunt builder or something else?

Thank you Stolichnaya!

I use a plugin (div/embed) from a company called to host videos with great customisation where I purchased their lifetime subscription from

They have a landing page for lifetime here for you to check out:

Best of luck!

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@Pakic Thank you so much! Works! Really happy it’s fixed now :slight_smile: Back to building it all out :smiley: