Is there a media manager?

Perhaps a silly question - but is there a media manager that can be accessed without having to find an image to click on, then settings, then click source?

I would think we would want a media manager where files can be uploaded/deleted, etc., that would be available as an icon, perhaps next to the Styles icon?



We will add assets manager in near future, for now, what you described is only way to access files :slight_smile:

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Yeeeesssssss (said in Napoleon Dynomite voice) - thank you!

@ShorePatrol Just wanted to get you even more excited by showing you a sneak peek. :no_mouth:
Of course, this will be developed over time, but this is the plan.


Would love to see this live. It is a much-needed feature when I upload a lot of files and it’s inconvenient to go through all the files to get exactly what I need. Organizing the files will save a lot of time.

Ohhhh Hell yeah - can’t wait!

This would help a lot in organizing media data. Practically all of my projects involve a lot of pictures. Organizing them would improve the management and the speed of work

This is coming with next major update that we are planing, its just around the corner :smiley:


This is very cool!

It would be awesome if it would have a tiny.png integration with ability to input an API key and use their compression and automatic .webp conversions. I know it is a lot to ask but I think it fits really well with the way Divhunt seems to be doing things!

It could also retain the original .jpeg and .png version for use in “picture” tags.